69歳のフランス人女性DJ、Ruth Flowersさんが半端無くCOOOLな件 【リアル・コンピュータおばあちゃん】
え、DJっていってもソウルとか? ―― いや、がっつり打ち込みです。
AbbaやQueen、The Rolling Stonesのテクノミックスもしてるとか。すげぇ!
(この記事の日本語訳はロケットニュース24にて)From the Cannes Film Festival to the top nightspots in French capital Paris, the leopard-print-clad groovy granny has been regaling the country’s clubland with her signature mix of techno sets sprinkled with touches of Abba, Queen and the Rolling Stones. Describing the buzz she got from her grandson’s birthday bash, Bristol native Ruth admitted it was “very noisy and the lights were flashing… but there was an awful lot of energy and joy”. Trained singer Ruth made the decision there and then that she would sharpen her spinning skills and shake up the French party scene with her new DJ vocation. A single is now on its way from the shades-wearing spinner, who’s showing no signs of slowing down just yet.