「Copy.com」がサービス終了だって | mutter
【2015最新版】徹底比較!無料から使用できるクラウドストレージサービス30選 | Ptengine Blog
機能とコストから検討すると、「MEGA」とか「MediaFire」も候補に挙がってくるのですが、信頼性・安定性を考慮しつつ、Googleドライブの有料プランのコスト「月額$1.99=約235円 → 年2,820円」と比較すると、それくらいなら出しても良いかなあと思えます。業務で使うんだし。
We are announcing today that the Copy and CudaDrive services will be discontinued on May 1, 2016.Copy and CudaDrive have provided easy-to-use cloud file services and sharing functionality to millions of users the past 4+ years. However, as our business focus has shifted, we had to make the difficult decision to discontinue the Copy and CudaDrive services and allocate those resources elsewhere. For more information on this decision, please view the blog post from Rod Mathews, our GM of Storage.We know this comes as disappointing news to our users, but rest assured that we will do everything we can to take care of each of you in the manner for which Barracuda is known. We have created a step by step guide that walks you through the process of moving your data to a local hard drive or another cloud storage solution.If you are on a paid subscription for either Copy or CudaDrive, please keep an eye out in the coming days for an email with more detailed information on your options. For additional information, please visit our FAQ page.
Thank you to everyone for your support.
All the best,
The Copy & CudaDrive Team