
From: Desmond Williams
件名: あなたの迅速な緊急が必要
私たちがこれまで知らなかったので、このメッセージがあなたに驚きとして届くことを私は知っています、私はあなたがこのビジネスで私を決して失望させないであろうと神を信じます。私はガーナのゼニス銀行の2番目の最高会計士であるデズモンドウィリアムズです。私の記録にあるいくつかの古いファイルを調べた後、2007年にこの銀行で36か月間開設された、(USD $ 17.5M)1,700万、50万米ドル相当の古い口座を発見しました。それ以来、あなたの国の市民であるこのアカウントを再び操作する人は誰もいません。彼は、2010年2月27日のチリでの地震災害で5,000人以上が死亡した犠牲者の1人でした。彼は出張でチリにいました、そしてそれは彼が彼の終わりに会った方法でした。


Hi friend,
I know that this message will come to you as a surprise as we don’t know ourselves before, I believe in God that you will never let me down in this business. I am Desmond Williams, Am the Second Chief Accountant Officer of Zenith Bank of Ghana Limited. After going through some old files in my records, I discovered an old account opened in this bank in 2007 for 36 calendar months, valued at (USD$17.5M) Seventeen million, five hundred thousand united states dollars. Since then nobody has operated this account again, a citizen of your country. He was among the death victims in the FEBRUARY 27TH 2010 Earthquake disaster in CHILI that killed over 5,000 people. He was in Chili on a business trip and that was how he met his end.
I contacted you because of your last name and nationality with him. The bank headquarters will release the fund to you. There is no risk involved; I am suggesting we share the funds equally, 50/50% to both parties, my share will assist me to start my own company which has been my dream. The transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of law.I need your strong assurance and trust. I look forward to your earliest reply.

Yours truly,
Desmond Williams

