thefridayfive: The Friday Five for 2 December 2011…
Archives: Friday Five
These are “choice” questions. The rules of Zobmondo are that you have to choose one answer – you can’t say “neither.” You must also take the question as it is – no changing the questions!
- Would you rather have to suck all the ink out of a ballpoint pen or paint your tongue with Wite-Out?(ボールペンのインクを全部吸う or 舌を修正液で塗りつぶす)どっちも体に悪そう…ボールペンのインクは1本くらいなら中毒症状を起こさないそうなので、ボールペンで…
- Would you rather drink a gallon of used hot dog water or a shot glass of someone else’s foot sweat?(ホットドッグを茹でたあとの水を1ガロン飲む or 誰かの足の汗を1ショット飲む)ホットドッグかな…3.8リットルはきついけどな…
- Would you rather always wear shoes that are a half size too small or always have your underwear creeping up your butt?(サイズが小さすぎる靴をはき続ける or おしりを釣り上げる下着)下着かなぁ。サイズの合わない靴は健康にとっても悪そう。
- Would you rather always be nauseated or always have a headache?(常に吐き気 or 常に頭痛)吐き気か… ルール違反だけどどっちも嫌だ…
- Would you rather have to always eat standing up or always enter your car from the passenger door?(常に立ったまま食事をする or 常に助手席側から車に乗る)助手席側から乗る、かなぁ。面倒が起きる頻度の問題で。
- underwear creeping up your butt